Tis the Season...of Giving!

Shop and support our students and family formation programs by bidding on our Advent Silent Auction

Included in the silent auction are Advent candles, Christmas nativity painting, music lessons, a day of golf, and homemade kolaches as Christmas presents and more.

Our Advent Silent Auction will commence on Friday, December 13th during our St. Lucy Christmas Program performed by our students.

We also invite you to consider supporting our sister school in India by sponsoring a child for $15 in our Backpack campaign through Little Angels. Regina Mater Advent Backpack Campaign

"Our Lord pointed this out...that we should become like God by way of becoming children..as the goal of our lives. During Advent, when our Lord asks us to become children in the spirit of the Christmas mystery.... he wants us to be children before God as Jesus did in the manger." Fr. Kentenich, 1937

Dyslexia Awareness - Light It Red!

Many myths persist about struggling readers and the science of reading. One of the most damaging charges is that struggling readers haven’t had adequate instruction, their parents didn’t read to them enough, or invest enough time in formal reading curriculum.

In reality, dyslexia is a brain-based difference that we can see on MRI scans. Researchers estimate that as many as one in five English speakers are dyslexic, cutting across all economic, social, and ethnic lines. The cause is unclear, but the brain science is not. Dyslexia affects the neural pathways for processing language; it is not a visual problem with “letter reversals” or “jumpy text” as commonly assumed.

As a neurological condition dyslexia cannot be cured, but it can be treated. The good news is that neuroscience has already identified successful interventions for dyslexic students, which also provide the best foundation for typical readers: multi-sensory, structured literacy instruction. The Orton-Gilliangham (OG) method is the most common approach within structured literacy. Logic of English, the language arts program at Regina Mater, is one example of a user-friendly OG curriculum.

To learn more, we recommend the following resources:

If you suspect your child may be dyslexic, private neuropsychologists or public school psychologists can help. Homeschool and private school students have a right to an evaluation from the school district under the federal “Child Find” program. See the Texas Education Agency for more.