Bringing "Little Kingdom" to your Home

Little Kingdom (our 0 to 3 year old program), led by Mrs. Duran and Ms. Daisy, just finished their studies about winter and now will begin their springtime unit.

For literacy/science we read stories all about winter, we engaged in several nursery rhymes, and students were asked several questions to encourage listening and comprehension.  Students made observations outside about winter, and we discussed the types of clothes we wear during winter, we compared similarities and differences between winter and the other seasons.

In practical life and fine motor students engaged in scooping, students engaged in a winter sensory bin, building a snowman with play dough, used tongs to pick up snowballs, snowman shaving cream, and more!  

During math we sorted mittens by color, students created patterns with mittens, sequenced different sized circles to build a snowman, counted snowballs, counting snowman song, marshmallow one to one correspondence activity, calendar practice, rote counting, number recognition.

Our Little Kingdom babies enjoyed stacking blocks, putting blocks in and out of the container, reading stories, singing songs, outside time, sensory play, and snuggles!

Students have been working on a morning prayer and meal time prayer.

These are some skills you can reinforce at home:

  • Practice rote counting 1 to 20

  • One to one correspondence numbers 1-5

  • Number recognition 0-5

  • Building name recognition

  • Scissor practice  

  • Color recognition

  • AB patterns ABC

  • Months of the year

  • Days of the week

  • Read stories about spring at home :)


What are some springtime activities that can highlight these skills?