Regina Mater recognizes that parents of children with learning differences are naturally drawn to homeschooling and alternative schooling. We strive to be an environment that welcomes a wide range of learners, including gifted, twice-exceptional, ADHD, and with other specific learning disabilities, physical disabilities, and medical fragility.
Much of our curriculum is easily adaptable to children across the learning spectrum; however, we do not offer a specific remediation program. For example, the systematic phonics program for elementary is dyslexia friendly, but does not have the time and intensity built in that a reading therapist would recommend. Many dyslexic children, nonetheless, have achieved reading success through the program.
One of the biggest challenges for our differently wired kids is social interaction. In order to keep the classroom environment positive for all students, Regina Mater must have the full participation of parents in helping students meet behavior goals that are developmentally appropriate. We can be only as successful as our partnership with parents. Therapists and parents are welcome on campus.
We recommend all students with a suspected learning disability get diagnosis through the school district. This federal taxpayer-funded program is available to students regardless of public school attendance. You may initiate evaluation through your home campus (the public school you would be attending) or the public school closest to Regina Mater. A narrow group of children will further qualify for Proportionate Share, a federal taxpayer-funded disability program. Generally the district will cover only school-based speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Obtaining an IEP has advantages with qualifying for various programs, including Learning Ally and accommodations on the SAT/ACT.